1. CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning): Practical Methodology for Primary Teachers
Gloucester, UK 2/07 – 15/07 2017
2. Practical uses of mobile technologies in the language classroom
Canterbury 30/07 - 05/08 2017
3. Get up with Natural Sciences!
Joensuu FINLAND 15/05 – 19/05 2018
4. Every Pupil is important! – Special education in Finland and in Europe!
Joensuu FINLAND 5/05 – 9/05 2018
5. CLIL- Methodology and ICT Tools for Teachers Working with CLIL
4. Every Pupil is important! – Special education in Finland and in Europe!
Joensuu FINLAND 5/05 – 9/05 2018
5. CLIL- Methodology and ICT Tools for Teachers Working with CLIL
I attended a course in Gloucester, England from the 2nd to the 15th July. The course was called CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning): Practical Methodology for Primary Teachers.
The objectives of the course were the following:
- Familiarise participants with examples of good practice in CLIL
- Increase understanding of the potential of CLIL methodology
- Encourage participants to develop CLIL projects relevant to their own context and pupils’ ability.
- Provide a variety of new teaching ideas, practical classroom skills and materials.
- Increase participants’ knowledge of Britain and the British.
The course gave us the chance to reflect on:
- Our national curriculum and look for general topics which best suit the age of their pupils.
- The characteristics and needs of the CLIL learner in second language acquisition.
- Methodological approaches to facilitate the communication of the content through English (Co-operative Learning, TPR (Total Physical Response), frequent rephrasing, and use of realia/pictures/mime/mini-plays/group work).
- The use of authentic materials and their suitability in second language acquisition for young learners. Through group work participants will gain experience in planning CLIL lessons (learners’ motivation; communicative skills; materials; expected language re-action; expected outcomes; assessment and evaluation) and developing CLIL materials related to different subjects.
We also visited two primary schools which granted us the opportunity to observe lessons in a variety of subjects and to discuss with the teachers to attempt to import positive things from their system to ours.
It was a very intense 2-week course which mixed formal lessons and hands-on activities.
The course was imparted mainly by Silvana Rampone, a very experienced primary teacher, who's an eTwinning ambassador and a CLIL teacher trainer.
These are some of the teaching activities we made during the course:
From the 30th July until the 5th August I attended a course
called Practical Uses of Mobile Technology in the Classroom. The course, which
was 32 clock hours, covered the following topics:
- What is technology?
- Privacy and security issues in the online platforms
- Mobile Pedagogy for Language Teaching and Learning
- New Trends in Educational Technology
- Educational Technology and Instructional Technology
- Introduction to Instructional Design and E-Learning
- E-Learning, Mobile Learning & Ubiquitous Learning
- Multimedia Design Principles
- Digital Storytelling
- Educational Apps
- Augmented Reality in Education
- Creative multimedia Design and Development
- Collaborative Creativity
- Introduction to Flipped Classroom
- Gamification and Game-Based Learning
- Pedagogical and Technical Challenges of Using Mobile Technology in Language Education
- How to integrate new technology into your classroom
This was my group of classmates and teacher:
The parts that I enjoyed the most where the ones where we
were told how to use Mobile Technologies in our lessons.
We had a group in EDMODO where we could share all our
information with our teacher and with other students. The last day of the
course, we had to present in PADLET the Apps that we found the most interesting
for our lessons and tell our reasons to choose them. This is the link:
Some interesting Apps and Web pages:
- AURASMA: You can use Augmented Reality to prepare Scavenger Hunts.
- QUIVER: You paint an image and you see it in 4D and moving.
- TELLAGAMI: To record 30 seconds messages.
- SOCRATIVE: It has more options than Kahoot.
- QR STUFF: To create QR codes.
<iframe src="//" width="595" height="485" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="//" title="Practical uses of mobile technologies ppt" target="_blank">Practical uses of mobile technologies ppt</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Magda Ventura</a></strong> </div>
3. Get up with Natural Sciences!
I attended a course in Joensuu, Finland from the 15th to the 19th May. The course was called “Get up with Natural Sciences”
aims are:
- Participants will learn new pedagogical ways to use modern equipment in science lessons.
- They also will get new ideas how to motivate modern pupils and students with games, modern technology and equipment.
- Participants learn also how to build an interesting workshop about science used in big event.
- They also learn English language terminology used in science lessons.
- Participants will also get new contacts around the Europe and learn also pedagogical things from each other’s.
field of the training:
Natural sciences
Science event
Modern technology and ICT
Pedagogical development
Comparing European Science teaching
Modern school laboratories
Chemistry, Physics, biology, geography
Curriculum development
sector of the training participants:
pre-primary, primary, general secondary, general upper secondary
audience: All teachers and other involved
used for the training: English
of five days:
day 15.00 let’s get together Europe! Getting to know each
other’s, course providers and city of Joensuu and Finland. Finnish
education system. Participant presentations of their own school
systems and science teaching curriculum.
2nd day School visit, building a workshop to SciFest 2017/2018 event.
day Take part in SciFest event
in Joensuu arena. Group has its own workshop to run. Visit to
university of Eastern Finland, center of natural sciences. Visit to
North Karelia museum.SciFest event continues with same theme. Visit
to Joensuu yhteiskoulu upper secondary school. Meeting science
teachers and visiting lessons.
4th day SciFest continues. We participate and take some new idees of Finland teachers. We visited Education Teacher University
day (9.00-13.00) Scifest with summer, course certificates and
feedback session.
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